The Arley Consulting Company Limited

There are many reasons for the investigation of a site, including assessing the general suitability of a site for a proposed development and assessing the impacts from past developments. Each site is different, having a specific environmental setting and unique development history.

The British Standards institution describe site investigation as “a process of continuous exploration and interpretation, with the scope of investigation requiring regular amendment in the light of the dark being obtained”.

Collation and appraisal of available data including publically available records relating to historical land use, mineral extraction and environmental setting and privately held documents such as previous investigation reports and/or the results of environmental monitoring and testing.

A thorough visual assessment will assist in the initial appraisal of a site and design of detailed investigation requirements.

All site investigation works are designed and supervised by experienced professionals. The scope of each investigation is site specific and takes account of information obtained from the desk study together with the client's requirements.

Investigations can include boreholes, trial pits, geophysical and topographic surveys, in situ testing, sampling and monitoring.

Interpretation and reporting of site investigation work is undertaken to provide accurate information on the findings as well as the specific requirements of the client / project.

Primary objectives vary from project to project and include investigation and assessment of the ground, groundwater and surface water as well as impacts from existing and/or historic activities such as pollution, gas and ground contamination.